Last Updated:
September 3, 2024

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Posts tagged "Sample Tags"

Optimize Windows XP by disabling Unnecessary Services

By default, windows xp starts a lot of services. Most are used for good working of Windows, but some of them are unnecessary, and are there only to slower computer performances. In 1977, when England was celebrating the Queens Jubilee,  →
Views : 63

Get Data Back Instantly

Did you know that the Bee Gees were named after the initials of a DJ called Bill Gates? Did you know that the real story behind the origin of the name of the rock band 10cc is much more trivial  →
Views : 70

Access Background Checks For Free

FM broadcasting is a broadcast technology that uses frequency modulation (FM) to provide very favorable sound over broadcast radio. In India there are various FM channels which operate 24X7 to provide news, information and entertainment. There are specific channels for  →
Views : 74

5 Great Benefits of Online Backup

Everybody who has continually heard of song earlier has dreamt of someday performing an instrument on their own. The guitar is perhaps the largely all the rage instrument which folks wish to be taught. The guitar is used to participate  →
Views : 71

Data Acquisition In The Modern World

Originating in the Spanish region of Andalucia Flamenco dancing has been traced back to the 15th Century but the word Flamenco did not become associated with this art form until the 18th Century. The origins of the word ‘Flamenco‘ are  →
Views : 69

Angel Of Fall

The fall is upon me with shades on to colors fading from bright on to pallid flavors ever of this crisp season to refresh air of nature whilst bringing new energy on to my desires as does my angel who  →
Views : 90

Good Poetry

Going to Heaven! by Emily Dickinson Going to Heaven! I dont know when – – Pray do not ask me how! Indeed Im too astonished To think of answering you! Going to Heaven! How dim it sounds! And yet it  →
Views : 62

Dark Poetry From The Heart

Many poets write dark poems. Dark poetry can be written based on various reasons. The reasons can be caused by confidence issues, relationships, friendships, health, belief, views and other things. Some poets may write dark poems without the intent to.  →
Views : 58

Inspirational Writings

When poets want or need to be inspired a lot times they turn to inspirational poetry. Poetry writing has helped inspired people in many different ways. Poetry about a poets life, about faith, about confidence, and views on life can  →
Views : 72


The oak was tall and strong, With green leaves and branches so long… He had grown in a beautiful garden, With few other oaks and a handsome warden… As time flowed and the future rolled… A cute little sapling entered  →
Views : 85
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